Welcome, Collaborate-Live! Live problem-solving tasks delivered in a virtual environment (online) where participants take part from their own remote location. The tasks have been specifically designed to give participants a truly visceral experience that explores the behaviours and emotions of operating in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous situations.

The experience is further heightened by the necessity of communicating using different digital formats and mediums and the often-unhelpful behaviours that are generated when groups have to collaborate at pace in a virtual space.


A client’s experience of the new programme

The Farscape team talk about what’s behind their new online programme

Our Team

Ruth Moody
Managing Director, Facilitator and Coach

Ruth Moody
Managing Director, Facilitator and Coach

Ruth is the owner and Managing Director of Farscape and has over 10 years’ experience in training. Ruth specialises in Emotions and Behaviours at Work and has created the people focused, values-based training that Farscape has become known for. She is accredited to deliver the Advanced Emotions and Behaviours at Work psychometric and frequently works with teams and leaders to help them develop their self-awareness in order to build high performance.

Neil Kimberley
Programmes Director, Facilitator and Coach

Neil Kimberley
Programmes Director, Facilitator and Coach

Neil is an experienced business professional and coach who shares Farscape’s passion for people development. He has spent the last 20 years immersed in the fields of education, training and coaching and has recently gained a Masters in Coaching and Behavioural Change at Henley Business School. He combines his wide-ranging experiences as teacher, mentor, leader and coach to help people and teams bridge the gap between their perception of what they can achieve and their true potential.

Judith Cantrell

Judith Cantrell

Managing director of Braintoffee and consultant at Farscape Development. We design and produce learning activities for smart groups who are developing their cognitive and behavioural skills. Braintoffee tasks are specifically designed to help those working in situations which are fluid, ambiguous, lacking structure and are uncertain.

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